Daily Life

What’s In A Word?

A new year, a new resolution, a new book recommendation. For most of my life, I had been like everyone else in that I would make New Year’s resolutions. Being a natural-born goal-setter, this actually worked quite well for me. However, there were times that I would break my resolutions, or my resolutions were nearly impossible to keep and that would cause me to feel defeated.

Probably about five or six years ago I came across a book called, “One Word That Will Change Your Life.” In this book, the authors give a process for choosing “one word” to be an emphasis for the entire year. This simple focus on “one word” then allows all goals, intentions, and change to be filtered through that word. Instead of a goal, it’s a focus.

I have had many words during different years of my life. I can think back and remember “love,” “inspire,” “Barnabas,” “savor,” and “manna.” Each of those had a specific meaning for that year of my life. This year I have chosen the word, “mute.”

Turning off the noise-less concern of the voices about me and finding my true identity in Christ alone. What has He called me to do, what purpose does He want me to live out and follow that with all my heart.

Soften the sounds-less distraction by the “noise” and bustle of life….social media, achievement, accolades. Creating more time for silence and solitude and reflection which will include some parameters for social media, being outside more, and pursuing hobbies and interests that give me life.

Remaining speechless-less gossip and critique of others, less defense of myself, less chatter all together. A reflection I have had recently is….if all we have to talk about is other people then we must not be doing enough in our own lives for the kingdom.

The world is so noisy. Life is so noisy. Noise equals chaos for me. And chaos equals a lack of peace and purpose.

Many years I would also create a bracelet to help keep my focus on my word throughout the year. I had a close friend who made them for many years and some years I ordered from the website, www.myintent.org. These bracelets allowed me to have the word close by throughout the day and filter my daily conversations, thoughts, and intentions through that perspective.

My encouragement as you start the New Year is to find a way to center your focus for the next season. Maybe creating resolutions and goals work for you! Keep at it! However, if you struggle in that area then grab this book and narrow down your focus to “One Word!”

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