Daily Life

Creating a Christmas Breakfast with No Added Stress!

Sometimes people inquire about how I am able to do it all. I work full time in leadership, am a wife, and a mother. Basically, it comes down to two words: planning and simple. For the most part I try to plan everything out about a month in advance, especially around the busy holiday season. I attempt to purchase all the necessary items ahead of time and plan out based on our family calendar what each night will entail. The second part is probably the most vital part; I try to keep it simple. There are times when I go a little crazy and extravagant, but for the most part I try to do things that will be memorable, but easy.

Last year I started making a simple, but memorable Christmas breakfast. Most of my family enjoys cinnamon rolls so why not use our typical breakfast item in a festive way.? And the best part? Very little ingredients or creativity needed!

Items needed:

2 cans of cinnamon rolls (16 rolls total)

green food coloring

sprinkles (if desired)

For this breakfast you simply place the cinnamon rolls in a tree design and cook them as directed on the package.

After baking the cinnamon rolls, the last step is to simply apply a few drops of food coloring into the packaged icing to create a green tint for the tree. I first iced the bottom “trunk” of the tree with the usual white to differentiate, but you could leave it without icing or create some brown icing with food coloring to make it look more realistic. Some of my kids like sprinkles and some do not, so I chose to leave that off, but you could easily add sprinkles to look like lights and ornaments.

My kids absolutely loved this new take on a traditional breakfast food, and I was able to create a memorable experience without adding any stress to my morning.

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